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How to convert images to text with pure JavaScript using Tesseract. Shepherd (personal communication, October 14, 1999), who was Nadeen Kaufman s mentor in the Learning Disabilities program at Teachers Col- js ocr credit card Perhaps the best conceptual argument for keeping the notion of discrepancy in the definition of LD and SLD comes from M. Consult the innovative and clever approaches to computing ability achievement discrepancies described by Mather and Woodcock (2001), as well as the in-depth treatment of the topic by Flanagan and her colleagues (Flanagan et al., 2000, Appendix H Flanagan et al., in press). One needs to be creative, and function as a blend of a psychometrician and clinician, to identify appropriate discrepancies between ability and achievement, discrepancies that highlight cognitive strengths as well as deficient basic cognitive processes that contribute to academic failure. There are many software and libraries available for optical character recognition.